Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Is it possible to agree with Hitler?

Hitler was right about one thing, the iPad sucks...
Disagree? drop a comment


  1. Wow, you took this footage and put subtitles to it that represent something other than what is actually being said.

    Apart from the inherent originality of this work, clearly in line with the other quality material on the rest of this "blog", you no doubt put many hours into the quality dialogue.

    I'm glad to see people on the internet are still thinking through the things that they do. Please, dear God, don't kill yourselves.

  2. We'll try not to, lazy!

    thanks for the comment

  3. That's good that!
    I never had faith with Apple to begin with though! Well, I had no faith in them to deliver a value product.
    I'm confident however that there will be apple branded dopes who buy it though instead of a netbook based on the branding.

  4. lol funny you say that will because my opinion was identical to yours until last night :S i took the 'apple' from the gardens of eden and bought an iphone... oh the shame but look at all those damn apps!!

  5. I will grant Apple one positive thing: They do make good touch screens!

  6. Oh - I just noticed - your site is set to US time. Or is that Austria time?

  7. so its no show because of some idiotic money making company ?see i was right ,you have to kill these things when they are small....and when they start growing inside you ....
